+2349068931605, +2348066487813 info@tinyheartshq.com

About TinyHeartsHq

We work towards giving infants the chance to live and be healthy, as well as improving access of infants and mothers to a more affordable and quality lifestyle by supporting frontline health workers and producing medical devices & consumables.

Our mission at Tiny Hearts is to provide the highest quality phototherapy treatment essentials and other medical equipment to hospitals and health care providers worldwide.

Hospitals Served

Over 400 Hospitals in Nigeria and Ghana are using or have used our products, ranging from Crib A’glow Phototherapy Units for Neonatal Jaundice, incubators for preterm babies down to our natural diaper rash creams, reusable diapers, washable and delivery bed mats.

Our Services

Production & deployment of Phototherapy Treatment Essentials, procurement & supply of other medical equipments & disposables to hospitals

Our Initiative

Through our Yellow Alert program, we educate health workers & mothers about neonatal jaundice.

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Saving Lives at Birth

Babies Saved

Hospitals Served

Products Solved

Communties Helped

Over 300 communities in Nigeria and Ghana have experienced our either medical supplies or benefitted from our Health Educational Programs.


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NGN Nigerian naira